年中コース ( 水・土)
年少コース ( 月・木)
入学手続きは、 保護者の方とお会いし面談とスキルチェックをさせていただいた後、お子様をクラスにお迎えすることができます。なお、アドバンスクラスでは体験レッスンを行っておりませんので、ご了承ください。
As of April 2023 we have 3 advanced courses.
They are designed to prepare the students for every aspect of the examination and also to make sure that they are fully prepared for the challenges of a fully immersed English program.
年長コース 〜 Full and we can’t accept anyone on our waiting list. There are still openings for our Bridge Course starting in November.
年中コース 〜 Days: Wed/Sat
Students with little experience in English: There are 3 openings for students and the deadline for joining our course is the end of Sep 2023.
Students with more experience in English: There are 4 more openings and we would ideally want to have our group ready by Nov 2023 at the latest.
年少コース 〜Days: Mon / Thu
Full, but we accept students on our waiting list. There is a limited number of people that we can accept on our waiting list and we are approaching that limit.
Please kindly keep in mind that these openings are sometimes taken very quickly and we have no responsibility to update that information on our website immediately. Also by starting the preparation process early, students will have a better chance of succeeding in the immersion program so the sooner you contact us the better.
Enrollment Process: Parents can enroll their children for our classes after we have met them for a mendan and a small skill check for each child. Please keep in mind that we don’t accept trial classes on the days mentioned above.
For enquiries please contact us by phone or through our contact form.